Category Archives: All Posts

Parking Bollards for Every Problem: Do Any of These “Bad Parkers” Sound Familiar To You?

Bad parkers

We frequently get asked this question. What are the different types of bollards available and in what situation would you choose them? There are as many different types of parking bollards as there are parking problems. To illustrate this, we’ve placed the different types of bollards into some of the various “bad parker” scenarios they…

Parking at twice the cost of a new luxury car??


Did you know ….? The record for the most expensive parking spot in Sydney doubles the cost of a brand new Porsche Cayenne? Are you ready for this? The record for the most expensive sale of a car parking space in Sydney is a whopping total of $ $264,000. Bet you didn’t realise a parking…

What Are The Different Kinds of Parking Bollards? Why Should You Choose Them?

Manual folding parking bollards

There are several aspects people consider when selecting the ideal bollard parking solution to address their parking problem. The best way to choose a bollard parking solution should be to consider the following factors: If one of these factors is critical to you, you may want to take a look at the winners in each…

Can a Formula 1 Racing Car Drive Upside Down? 🏎️🏎️ 💨💨


FUN FACT: Can a Formula 1 car really drive upside down? 🏎️💨 According to the Formula 1 Official website, the answer is YES. A modern Formula One car is capable of developing 3.5g lateral cornering force (three and a half times its own weight) thanks to aerodynamic downforce. That means, that theoretically, at high speeds…

Visitor Parking: What can you do when residents abuse?

Angry man driving car

In our last blog we explained who can, and how they should, use visitor parking bays in a residential strata building. What can you do when residents and owners abuse visitor parking bays in residential strata buildings? Parking their own vehicles there excessively? 😡😡😡 There’s a series of things the Owners Corporation can legally do…

Strata parking – who’s who in the Parking Zoo?


Parking spaces in residential strata buildings are a very sensitive and often hotly contested topic. Most strata buildings have parking spaces allocated to residential lots and a few visitor parking spaces. In New South Wales, for example, the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment, has issued SEPP 65 and the Apartment Design Guide…