What is a bollard?


Have you ever got stuck accidentally running into a lane delineator when searching for a parking spot in a jam-packed parking lot? Have you ever hit a signage pole when trying to reverse into a parking spot in the basement of a building? Car parks these days guide traffic and parking with various hardware, such…

Common pitfalls to avoid in parking design

Green and orange indoor parking station with good parking design

Parking isn’t the most foremost consideration with new building design. It’s generally not the first thing that parking owners think about when they’re thinking about efficient construction. Parking bollards, help solve pitfalls to avoid in parking design. They will play a bigger part in the future mobility landscape. In this blog, we discuss common pitfalls…

The Geelong Bollard Trail Walk


The Geelong Bollard Trail Walk is a walking trail that features bollard sculptures representing scenes and people from Geelong’s history. The trail was created in response to community demand, and the bollards were constructed over a period of five years. Here at that’s MY spot, we will provide an enlightening look at Geelong’s past. Geelong…

How to Effectively Manage Multi-tenanted Parking Allocation


What is Multi-Tenanted Parking? Multi-tenanted parking is when multiple tenants, either commercial business or residential apartment owners, share the same parking facilities. Commercial How it works In a commercial setting, each tenant is assigned a certain number of parking spots and they are responsible for managing their own employees or customers’ vehicles and who is…

Are Women Better at Controlling Driverless Cars?


Research study shows that women are better at controlling autonomous cars The age-old heated topic – who are better drivers? Women or Men? According to some new and interesting research published by Newcastle University in the United Kingdom, when it comes to driverless cars,  W O M E N are better drivers! How the study…

How to Paint a Car Park: The Ultimate Guide

Line Marking in a Car Park If you are planning to paint lines in a car park, you should always opt for the highest quality paint. Asphalt is a good option which prevents paint for sticking to it. This article will guide you how to look at what are the best paint for car park….

Visitor Parking in Residential Apartments – a Case Study


The problem with visitor parking …… There always seems to be a problem with visitor parking in residential apartments, especially for strata – and it’s only getting worse. A wonderful new residential apartment building in Melbourne as part of a new development. With 36 visitor parking bays servicing over 230 apartments, as the apartments in…