Tag Archives: parking bollard

Electric Robotaxis have arrived

An electric autonomous robotaxi is now operating in the highway.

In recent years, the automotive industry has witnessed a significant transformation with the emergence of electric autonomous vehicles. A groundbreaking development in this realm is the introduction of electric autonomous robotaxis in the United States. In this blog we’ll provide an informative overview of the rollout of these innovative vehicles, drawing insights from various sources[1][2][3]….

The Benefits of Car Sharing


Finding sustainable transport options is more crucial than ever in today’s fast-paced world. One innovative alternative is car sharing. As a well-liked substitute for traditional car ownership, car sharing benefits the environment significantly. This is especially the case as urbanization and traffic congestion rapidly increase. When you car share, it has a beneficial impact on…

How to make a bollard blend in


Bollards are used as a practical solution to improve safety in some environments and to control the traffic in others. However, let’s face it, sometimes they are a bit of an eyesore. And those bollards stand out like a sore thumb – and not in the attractive, appealing kind of way!  Here we’ll teach you…